\r\n We will now prepare the lab order through LabCorp for your patient.\r\n
\r\n\r\n Your patient will be notified that their labs have been ordered and we
\r\n will communicate the next steps for having their blood sample drawn.\r\n
\r\n After we complete the lab requisition, when you are ready for the
\r\n patient to complete the Preassessment Questionnaire, you will need
\r\n to log in and select that Assessment from your Reports tab to send
\r\n the Preassessment Questionnaire email to your patient.\r\n
\r\n You can track the status of all of your open orders on the\r\n
\r\n You can track the status of all of your open orders on the\r\n
\r\n You can track the status of all of your open orders on the\r\n